I've previously recommended Alejandro Jodorowsky's and Moebius' classic "Incal" series to readers of this blog (particularly you, Jeff). It's a Star Wars/Dune style spiritual sci fi epic based on the Tarot deck. (The main character, the third rate private detective John Difool, obviously being "The Fool".)
However as The Beat pointed out yesterday, the current English language edition has cold 'airbrushed' computer-colors that are less than ideal. Search out used copies of the old Marvel/Epic eidtions from the early nineties to get the proper warm colors close to the style Moebius use himself for his paintings.
here are a couple of comparisons:More comparisons here.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Moebius coloring
9:23 AM
Labels: Alejandro Jodorowsky, comics and graphic novels, Moebius
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Interesting comparison! I have the graphic novels on my to be read pile, having only just flipped through the book so far. I remember this vague notion that the artwork didn't look quite like the Mobius I knew, but I couldn't put my finger on why. The softer colors are much better.
Oh you DID but them. cool. Oh well, it's still a great story, and not all the examples look too bad. Yes, the main problem is that the colors don't look 'moebius-like' - the old colors looked like his own paintings, the new ones don't.
Funny you should mention this, I just re-read the comics this summer. My father brought his old "Carlsen Comics" copies of the series with him to the US, when my family visited me here, the very same comics that blew me away when I was a young boy, not understanding the plot completely. It was fun to read them again and I think I like them even better now. I think reading them sort of gives you an idea of how Jodorowsky and Moebius' Dune project might have turned out, which makes it even sadder that it never got made.
Btw, my father also brought me the Alef Thau comics, by Jodorowsky and Arno - how do you feel about those?
I sold my Alef Thau books off years ago. There was something really annoying about Arno's drawing style. Jodorowsky has worked with a few second rate illustrators.
Apparently the Incal will be rereleased in Danish later this month, as one big hardcover. And the Incal prequel (illustrated by some other artist) will be out too.
Interesting comparison. I have the old ones and I love Moebius. I might steal your pics or link to this, he, he ...
How do you feel about the prequel? And what about the sequels?
I havent read any of them actually. I haven't even read the popular metabarons series. I'm not an all knowing Moebius/Jodorowsky expert, unfortunately. My collection mainly consists of. I own The Incal, the Blueberry series, the Jodorowsky movie box set, and a few other items, like Jodorowskys brilliant movie "Santa Sangre", but I definitely don't own everything.
How do YOU feel about the other Jodorowsky books?
Well, that's the thing - I've never read them either. According to wikipedia a new Incal book came out this year:
Final Incal (two final volumes)
1. Les Quatre John Difool (2008)
2. L'Androgyne Capricieux (??, unreleased)
I guess I'll have to get a hold of them, or at least read them. Btw, I could see why you would find Arno's style annoying (it is very "pretty"), but still, it's not worse than Elfquest!? :-)
Elfquest is a slightly embarrasing guilty pleasure, I know.
Did Alef Thau ever get concluded in Denmark? I just remembering it going on and on. That's the problem with many of those Jodorowsky serials... they read better years later when you can get hold of it all in one go.
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